Palm Reading

Best Palm Reading by Master Durga Prasad Ji

Both hands are essential in the science of palmistry. The hand which is non-dominating has a natural character and personality. The dominant hand changes reveal what has expressed in the personality and nature.

Fortune lines: The prediction can be legitimately studied through the hands, and Master Durga Prasad Ji can help you find the accurate palm reading descriptions.

The general category of lines can be defined as headlines (located at the centre of the palm), heart lines (seen above the headline), lifelines (underneath the headline), fate lines (vertical creases in the centre of the palm), and sun line (vertical towards the pinky finger).

The types of hand shapes are:

  • Earth- The square palms and short fingers describe a hand of Earth element. The people are known to be practical, grounded and logical.
  • Fire- The short fingers and long palms. The creases are distinctive, and mounds are defined. The people are passionate and confident.
  • Air- The square palms and long fingers make the air palms. They have big knuckles and bony structures. The people of this category as known with innate communication skills
  • Water- The people with long palms and fingers. The hands are soft in touch. The people of this category are tuned with their emotions and intuitions.
Palm Reading

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    Palm Reading By Master Durga Prasad Ji

    The mind speaks its language. The spoken words are expressed in palm lines present in the hand. Everyone has different elements based on the shape of their hands. These lines keep changing with time and predict the future.

    The work done in the present can alter the future, and astrologer Master Durga Prasad Ji’s best Palm Reader can make it happen for you.

    Palmistry is not a dried-and-cut science that gives definite answers. One must drench into the meanings of hand lines, shapes, mounts, and plains to predict upcoming events.

    Master Durga Prasad Ji has mastered the skills to be one of the best palm reader. Master Durga Prasad ji has gained over five years of experience with over 1500 plus trusted clients. The practice is known as chiromancy and was founded in ancient. Astrologer Master Durga Prasad believes that palm lines are not written without a cause.

    Let the Astrologer serve now.

    You can contact Pandit through his mail, phone number (provided on the website), or book an appointment and get the hand reading now.